You are Mine

You didn’t come here by chance. You know exactly why you are here. I am the Answer to all your vices. I am the Solution to your perverse desires. You need Me to guide you. You need Me to purge your life energy.

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.

I invade your mind, your heart and your soul. I am interfering little by little in your DNA until I modify its structure. You belong to Me.

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.

With that cock still wet and your eyes shining with happiness, you put your heart in My claws. 

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.


The Guardian lurks…He watches you, hidden in the shadows.
He keeps an eye on the Queen, making sure that no thief enters the doors of the Kingdom…

You didn’t come here by chance. You know exactly why you are here. I am the Answer to all your vices. I am the Solution to your perverse desires. You need Me to guide you. You need Me to purge your life energy.

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.

I invade your mind, your heart and your soul. I am interfering little by little in your DNA until I modify its structure. You belong to Me.

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.

With that cock still wet and your eyes shining with happiness, you put your heart in My claws. 

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.


The Guardian lurks…He watches you, hidden in the shadows.
He keeps an eye on the Queen, making sure that no thief enters the doors of the Kingdom…

You didn’t come here by chance. You know exactly why you are here. I am the Answer to all your vices. I am the Solution to your perverse desires. You need Me to guide you. You need Me to purge your life energy.

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.

I invade your mind, your heart and your soul. I am interfering little by little in your DNA until I modify its structure. You belong to Me.

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.

With that cock still wet and your eyes shining with happiness, you put your heart in My claws. 

You are part of My Kingdom of Lust.


The Guardian lurks…He watches you, hidden in the shadows.
He keeps an eye on the Queen, making sure that no thief enters the doors of the Kingdom…

You belong to Me